3702 East Chapman Ave. Suite E, Orange CA 92869

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Latest Past Events

Franco Fun-Day 2023

OC Carlson Gracie Academy

Come join us on Saturday, September 16th, to honor Franco De Camargo!

Jiu-Jitsu CON International 2023

Las Vegas Convention Center - Hall W1/W2 300 Convention Center Dr, Las Vegas

This tournament is ran in conjunction with the Master Worlds. Except this is available for all ages.

IBJJF Master World Championship 2023

Las Vegas Convention Center - Hall W1/W2 300 Convention Center Dr, Las Vegas

The International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation hosting their annual Master Worlds in Las Vegas, Nevada. This tournament is strictly for anyone above the age of 30. Unlock gold opportunities with this guide. golden wins . Shine in trading…